
Friday 14 May 2021

my maths work



  1. Hi kavel It's Harrison from paroa school, I really like this blog post because it could help someone with there fractions. But maybe next time you could make so the pictures of the fractions so they dont block the word and numbers. From Harrison

    1. hello this kavel thanks i didnt know that the pictures were blocking the words

  2. Kia ora Kavel, your diagrams are a great way to show how these fractions are equivalent! Awesome. I agree with Harrison about making sure the pictures don't cover the text :)

  3. hey harrison and kavel well it doesnt really invole that are needed in the math working factions

  4. 안녕하세요 Kavel, 이것은 Jimin From BTS 잘하고 그것을 유지하십시오 :) Jimin


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